Community Book Center, the ARCH Collective,
ArtSpot Productions, BarNONE by Design and The Graduates


signing copies of her groundbreaking book

at Community Book Center
July 31, 2024 from 6-8pm

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Susan Burton is a visionary, inspirational leader of the criminal justice reform movement, author of award-winning memoir BECOMING MS. BURTON, and founder of A New Way of Life Reentry Project (ANWOL).  ANWOL's approach to reentry is internationally recognized as an innovative model that creates welcoming and healing spaces for women to rejoin their communities after incarceration while developing as leaders to work toward liberation.  The impact of her work and leadership has been recognized through numerous awards.  In 2010, she was named a CNN Top Ten Hero and received the prestigious Citizen Activist Award from the Harvard Kennedy School of Government.  She is also the recipient of the Encore Purpose Prize (2012) and the James Irvine Foundation Leadership Award (2014), among many more.

In 2018, Ms. Burton launched the SAFE (Sisterhood Alliance for Freedom and Equality) Housing Network to replicate the effective and humane reentry model.  The network now includes over 30 members located across the United States, Uganda, Nigeria, and Kenya.  It is through this work that she thrives, enjoying the progress of her foundations, all while knowing how many individual lives she has touched and changed throughout her own journey.

Don't miss this rare opportunity to meet this leader of the criminal legal system reform movement!  Wednesday, July 31 at 6pm at Community Book Center, 2523 Bayou Road.

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ArtSpot Productions is supported by a Community Arts Grant made possible by the City of New Orleans and managed by Arts New Orleans; and by a grant from the Louisiana Division of the Arts, Office of Cultural Development, Department of Culture, Recreation and Tourism, in cooperation with the Louisiana State Arts Council.  Funding has also been provided by the Lambent Foundation; by the New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Foundation; and by the Roddick Foundation.  Your contribution is tax-deductible in accordance with IRS regulations.